Spiritual Wellness ( Wellness Blog 1)

Spiritual Wellness is essential tdownloado live healthy and freely.  This type of wellness relates to internal happiness, confidence, and acceptance.  Accepting who you are, and how you will make mistakes, but learn from them and how you deal with situations all play into who you spiritually, and even how you treat others. Internal wellness connects to your physical and mental health or well- being.  If you do not feel  good about yourself, and are emotionally or mentally disconnected, spiritually, you are not at your full personal potential.  When you are secure inside, you can know, develop, and understand your purpose in life, without as many road blocks.

Having a sense of what is right or wrong contributes to reflection.  Listening to your conscious is important, so you know your boundaries, and avoid making unnecessary mistakes.  Reflecting alone is essential to move on from past ruining events, looking back on how to fix past mistakes, or what you could do now to be at a better potential or person.  You don’t want to re- make your mistakes, which will be harder to re- commit bad choices after reflecting.

Forgiveness and caring acts for others also weave into Spiritual wellness, which is shown through these aspects of life and learning curves.  Forgiving others, is an inner peace space we all need in our head.  Holding onto anger takes a toll on your body, and overtime, builds up anger, that can have a powerful potential, and can be released at anytime, affecting how you act, think, and talk to people.  Being unforgiving can change how you interact and talk to others, creating a closed- minded/ damaged mental shield.  When you take the time to self- reflect, know right from wrong, and help others, you are mentally peaceful or healthy.  You are your biggest enemy.  If you let events ruin you, spiritually you can be changed, and deactivated, which is physically, and mentally destructive.  The way you deal with past experiences and obstacles is how you are, how you treat others, and show what you are made of or your spiritual wellness.

2 thoughts on “Spiritual Wellness ( Wellness Blog 1)

  1. Nice job, Angela! Your post is very insightful and self-reflective. You could include a quote from the Spiritual Wellness website with an embedded link. Also, include a picture or two.

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