Journal Entry # 3 : The many ingredients to staying healthy

       Based on the quizzes I took, my numbers were high, meaning that I am very healthy.  I would say I do have a great  understanding of what a basic nutrition consists of.  I know what is good fuel for my body and what type of food is junk, or  not healthy. I understand my bad habits and unhealthy nutrition and how to fix them.  I would say I am overall very healthy,  but not my health is not perfect.  

 One component that has contributed to my health as a weak link would be stress which also leads to sleep deprivation.  I  have let stress control my health many times, and still am learning how to cope well with worry and anxiety, leading to a  strain on the body. Sleep is important to receive especially when dealing with life- pressure.

 I take care of my hygiene perfectly well, I also eat healthy most of the time, getting enough vegetables, fruits, meats,  vitamins and calcium.  I eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and exercise about 3-7 days a week for an hour or more.  The  aspect I need to control to create better and healthier habits would be overthinking and stressing out easily.  Stress can  consume a person’s mind, or thought processes, and even physical abilities.  

 Staying healthy can be a challenge, in the way of pushing yourself to workout and making time for exercise, when you  have a variety of things on your mind.  Making time for working out is helpful to the brain, and helps get rid of cluttered  thoughts and anxiety.  Keeping your health standards high can be difficult also if you don’t like varieties of food or healthy  food.  If you only like junk food, your health isn’t going to succeed, and improve.  Find different ways to balance your  nutrients, vegetables, and fruit intake, like making a smoothie, and modifying it to your liking.

  Motivation, and goal reaching are ways to not fall off the track, when focusing on bettering your health.  I use goals, and  things I want to achieve to help me maintain my health, and not just give up on working on myself.  It is better to be sore  than sorry.  I would rather have energy than be lazy, because you are not accomplishing anything when completing  nothing, and wasting time.

 I try to work on my health, and maintain it at the best it can be with what I can control.  I can control my daily activities or  actions which can alter and improve my health, just by my choices.  I am pretty healthy due to the balanced diet of  vegetables fruits, proteins, even some fats, and staying hydrated all in one.  I am also an athlete, and I enjoy working out  and pushing myself, so maintaining my health is a hobby for me.  Motivation and goal setting, or what I want to feel like is  what I use to keep my mind centered on what I want to accomplish.  I want to look and feel healthier, to do that I have to  manage my time better, so I can get longer hours of sleep, de- stress by controlling my emotions, exercising and getting a  well balanced diet.