Research on Discrimination: Lookism

Lookism Is Common Discrimination

There is discrimination anywhere, and sometimes it is even unnoticed.  The main aspects of inequality that are still active globally would be: racism, homophobia, and sexism.  There are many different types of discrimination, or inequality types such as unattractiveness, vs. attractiveness, which used against others, creating bias.  

Who is attractive, and who is unattractive?  The judgement of attractiveness is a true form of discrimination.  Usually the “more attractive” person is selected for a career or job over the “less attractive” person.  How people treat others also can depend on who is more attractive.  Attractive people have more opportunities and can be overall treated better, or can be favored over an “unattractive person”.   This scenario can also be switched.  Attractive people can be treated differently based on their job/ social life, and can be jeopardized by less attractive people, due to jealousy, or the fear of them taking over their spotlight. Unattractive women earn 3 percent less than average-looking women, while unattractive men’s take-home is reduced a whopping 22 percent, ( Katz).

Believe it or not, “lookism” is a real word on wikipedia.  “Lookism” is a type of discrimination based on if you’re physically attractive or not, and is committed throughout the world globally.  This type of discrimination usually is committed at a workplace, school, and of course, a social setting.  A work or competitive setting can be controlled by biased opinions, which people can” discriminate based on sex, age, and looks”, (Tappero). on whether they get the opportunity or not.

Overall, “lookism is a construction of a standard for beauty and attractiveness, and judgements made about people on basis of how well or poorly they meet the standard”, ( Laham).  Lookism is also considered as “body fascism”.  People that are more attractive are more rewarded than others that are less attractive, and who can be penalized for their looks, (or vice-versa).  Lookism is committed over who is better looking, judged by someone only interacting with attractive people, or an attractive person can be sabotaged by the jealousy of someone less attractive.   Judging others based on their appearance is more common in professional offices, like becoming a lawyer, any career involving clients, small businesses, cosmetic jobs, and even fancy restaurant businesses are biased towards who is more physically pleasing. Overall, this discrimination has affected many people, especially adolescents, and workplaces, companies, etc.  The way you look can take you a long way, or you can be jeopardized by someone due to their jealousy, or if they don’t want to work or socialize with someone, due to another’s appearance. dislook

One thought on “Research on Discrimination: Lookism

  1. Great job, Angela, and very well written! Lookism is definitely a real thing (that few people seem to be aware of)…great focus for discrimination.

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