Journal Entry # 3 : The many ingredients to staying healthy

       Based on the quizzes I took, my numbers were high, meaning that I am very healthy.  I would say I do have a great  understanding of what a basic nutrition consists of.  I know what is good fuel for my body and what type of food is junk, or  not healthy. I understand my bad habits and unhealthy nutrition and how to fix them.  I would say I am overall very healthy,  but not my health is not perfect.  

 One component that has contributed to my health as a weak link would be stress which also leads to sleep deprivation.  I  have let stress control my health many times, and still am learning how to cope well with worry and anxiety, leading to a  strain on the body. Sleep is important to receive especially when dealing with life- pressure.

 I take care of my hygiene perfectly well, I also eat healthy most of the time, getting enough vegetables, fruits, meats,  vitamins and calcium.  I eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and exercise about 3-7 days a week for an hour or more.  The  aspect I need to control to create better and healthier habits would be overthinking and stressing out easily.  Stress can  consume a person’s mind, or thought processes, and even physical abilities.  

 Staying healthy can be a challenge, in the way of pushing yourself to workout and making time for exercise, when you  have a variety of things on your mind.  Making time for working out is helpful to the brain, and helps get rid of cluttered  thoughts and anxiety.  Keeping your health standards high can be difficult also if you don’t like varieties of food or healthy  food.  If you only like junk food, your health isn’t going to succeed, and improve.  Find different ways to balance your  nutrients, vegetables, and fruit intake, like making a smoothie, and modifying it to your liking.

  Motivation, and goal reaching are ways to not fall off the track, when focusing on bettering your health.  I use goals, and  things I want to achieve to help me maintain my health, and not just give up on working on myself.  It is better to be sore  than sorry.  I would rather have energy than be lazy, because you are not accomplishing anything when completing  nothing, and wasting time.

 I try to work on my health, and maintain it at the best it can be with what I can control.  I can control my daily activities or  actions which can alter and improve my health, just by my choices.  I am pretty healthy due to the balanced diet of  vegetables fruits, proteins, even some fats, and staying hydrated all in one.  I am also an athlete, and I enjoy working out  and pushing myself, so maintaining my health is a hobby for me.  Motivation and goal setting, or what I want to feel like is  what I use to keep my mind centered on what I want to accomplish.  I want to look and feel healthier, to do that I have to  manage my time better, so I can get longer hours of sleep, de- stress by controlling my emotions, exercising and getting a  well balanced diet.  

Research on Discrimination: Lookism

Lookism Is Common Discrimination

There is discrimination anywhere, and sometimes it is even unnoticed.  The main aspects of inequality that are still active globally would be: racism, homophobia, and sexism.  There are many different types of discrimination, or inequality types such as unattractiveness, vs. attractiveness, which used against others, creating bias.  

Who is attractive, and who is unattractive?  The judgement of attractiveness is a true form of discrimination.  Usually the “more attractive” person is selected for a career or job over the “less attractive” person.  How people treat others also can depend on who is more attractive.  Attractive people have more opportunities and can be overall treated better, or can be favored over an “unattractive person”.   This scenario can also be switched.  Attractive people can be treated differently based on their job/ social life, and can be jeopardized by less attractive people, due to jealousy, or the fear of them taking over their spotlight. Unattractive women earn 3 percent less than average-looking women, while unattractive men’s take-home is reduced a whopping 22 percent, ( Katz).

Believe it or not, “lookism” is a real word on wikipedia.  “Lookism” is a type of discrimination based on if you’re physically attractive or not, and is committed throughout the world globally.  This type of discrimination usually is committed at a workplace, school, and of course, a social setting.  A work or competitive setting can be controlled by biased opinions, which people can” discriminate based on sex, age, and looks”, (Tappero). on whether they get the opportunity or not.

Overall, “lookism is a construction of a standard for beauty and attractiveness, and judgements made about people on basis of how well or poorly they meet the standard”, ( Laham).  Lookism is also considered as “body fascism”.  People that are more attractive are more rewarded than others that are less attractive, and who can be penalized for their looks, (or vice-versa).  Lookism is committed over who is better looking, judged by someone only interacting with attractive people, or an attractive person can be sabotaged by the jealousy of someone less attractive.   Judging others based on their appearance is more common in professional offices, like becoming a lawyer, any career involving clients, small businesses, cosmetic jobs, and even fancy restaurant businesses are biased towards who is more physically pleasing. Overall, this discrimination has affected many people, especially adolescents, and workplaces, companies, etc.  The way you look can take you a long way, or you can be jeopardized by someone due to their jealousy, or if they don’t want to work or socialize with someone, due to another’s appearance. dislook

Discussion Post #1

I do not support Colin Kaepernick’s actions on kneeling during the Star Spangled Banner. Legally, he has the right, and we do live in a free nation, but he’s not supporting his home “ the land of the free”.

I think his timing was off and that wasn’t the place to bring up issues & categorize everyone. He is adding fuel to the fire. There are many issues that should be defended/ addressed right now, but I don’t think during the Star Spangled Banner was an appropriate time to stir up this particular issue. I believe in equality, I don’t believe in judgement/ stereotyping, but these issues are always going to be global problems.

“The night included a marine band; a parachute team with retired Navy SEALs leaping into the stadium; and 240 sailors, Marines and soldiers presenting a large American flag while a Navy officer sang the national anthem “. This quote shows why we stand up for the flag, to pay respects to our benefits of freedom, our police, and veterans who lost or put their lives in danger to protect us.

Personally, I have no problem with him speaking out by sitting down, we are all different in the way we think and act, but his actions at the game wasn’t helping people, he wasn’t really respecting veterans and America. I think if you want to be in a free nation and you’re living in one, you should be grateful and react in a respectful, but a peaceful way, and no world or nation is perfect.


First Semester Reflection

This year, I really enjoyed writing and reading more.  I am not a strong reader, but I love writing and showing my own point of view of life or anything! I really want to improve on both reading and writing/ typing skills.  I really like our discussion posts and journal entries.  The discussion posts help find who I am more as a thinker because we all have our own opinions, but it’s fun to practice and exercise our judgement, and point of view ideas.  I enjoyed writing about wellness, which also helps me reflect on my own self, so I can always remember to make improvements to myself. I also appreciated how everything was so organized and clear in this PLA English 12 class.

I grew, and am currently growing in finding my way, not just through being a better reader, when writing, but growing through habits, like bettering my time- management and my organization in life and school.  I am still working overall on becoming a better person overall, and writing is a helpful tool, involving reflecting and the practice of these skills.

I gained what I need to improve on, or awareness of my strengths and weaknesses.  I gained more drive to succeed and remain on the pathway towards my ultimate goal.  I also defeated the trait of laziness.  The projects and assignments require actual thought, along with a personal style put in.  Instead of the attitude of just getting it done, I actually enjoy being interested in the work we do.  I took the insight of improving my thought process to be more positive which has made me more open- minded and driven to tackle any assignment or task.

Overall, English is one of my favorite subjects, I like to show my own thought- process and personality ( but toned down) through my writing, which is also preparing me for college.  There was not a project I did totally dislike, I liked everything we were learning and everything we were discussing or writing.  I took insight that I am the only one who can create my own path, and create my own standards, improving each day to fully meet them.


Journey To Topaz Journal Entries : Top 5

posted_japanese_american_exclusion_orderChapter 4

I am the mother of Yuki and Ken.  I am aching deep down, but I have to stay strong, and lead my children.  I have packed up all my belongings, given away some items, and even plants I’ve grown I have to give to others.  We had to give our dog Pepper away, and make sacrifices to go to the camp. We had to give away valuables we can’t keep, and even our beautiful flowers we grew.  Everything is changing, and unexpectedly we have to do what we are forced to do.  We can only make the most of our unfortunate situation, and carry on with our lives.

Chapter 6 
I am Mrs. Sakane.  I am the mother of the family, so I have to make the most out of what our situation is.  We are living in a horse stall, for no reason.   We as a family are not used to this type of living, but I am thankful we have our items and personal things with us.  I have to be the leader of the family, telling them not to worry when I am worried myself.  It is not a very inviting place but all we can do is make it look like home.  I am carrying on with what we need to do, everything remains the same except the location we are out of course.  Mentally I have prepared myself to go in with an open mind, and set an example for my children to be kind, and strong at the same time.  

Chapter 7

I am Yuki.  I was woken up by a neighbor, thinking Ken was hammering, but I actually slept through breakfast! I heard a young girl’s voice probably around my age! I was talking through the stall to my new neighbor, but walked out the stall to meet them the same time my neighbor did.  There was a girl with long black hair like mine around my age!  I met the grandmother   “ Kurihara”, she told me the owned a food shop in San Francisco.  My new friend Emi ( her grand daughter ) is quiet, but very friendly.  I am happy that I met Emi, because she is good company to have, and I don’t feel all alone anymore.  There are a few perks that have been created from this outcome!

Chapter 8

I am Yuki.  An unusual event is happening a wedding!  We are always looking for exciting events to happen, especially in recreation hall. It’s interesting to see everyone come together especially over a special event like this, and I also have my new friend Emi!  I wrote Mimi to please send me goods and food to eat, because the good food I was craving were not served in the camp.  Mrs. Jamieson, Mrs. Nelson, and Mimi were standing in the grandstand hall, where all the visitors would go.  It was a great feeling reconnecting with them hugging, and catching up with me.  They brought a chocolate cake, crackers, cheese, and overall a huge package!  I am making the most of it here and I will be okay!

Chapter 10

I am Yuki. I found out pepper passed away.  I want to be alone but there is no where insight where I can be alone and collect myself, or let out my emotions.  We are moving or departing now and I can’t eat, I am feeling the same amount of nerves as I did when we were forced to leave our beloved house in Berkeley.  We are now boarding the train on to our new life.  We are forced to separate ourselves from the real world, but is out of the outside world for a short time (on the bus), trying to look at our situation in a positive light.  Ken is in his own world, he seems to be depressed about our new adventure, I guess he lost opportunities about going to college with a scholarship, and I am trying my best to comfort him, I am the only one enthusiastic about this new adventure, all I can do is try.  

20 Percent project : Peacefully reaching goals ( blog post of choice)

For this year’s 20% project I am going to be focused on staying on track while keeping a positive mindset.  I have many goals for my senior year, which will benefit my future and dreams.  I want to be mentally and physically healthy and at peace during this challenging process.  I am very driven, but I have to remind myself what I want, and to stay on track.  I want to address some aspects that are essential for me to complete my dreams, and gain more confidence in myself.  For this first post of my steps to success and happiness blog, I am addressing positivity.

My main aspect in my life, that I want to maintain (especially right now) is positivity.  I sometimes can lose track of what I am blessed with and I just motivationfocus on all my imperfections.  I try to be a perfectionist with myself, which drives myself crazy.  Actual perfection is impossible, because nothing or no one can be perfect, you can always better everything. Mentally, I have to remember I am very fortunate for the opportunities, experiences

, and additional luxuries my life has blessed me with.  I also have to keep in mind what accomplishments I’ve achieved and the hardships I’ve gotten through.

Perspective is another part of being successful, which ties into positivity.  The better perspective you have, the more you will thrive and prosper.  You can’t be knocked down after looking at every situation, or something that didn’t go as planned in a beautiful perspective.  Looking at life as a challenge to take on and having fun with it is the perspective I am using. I have always been positive as a person, but I want to be more confident that I can achieve anything I want to.  I remember that there is no limit and I look at life as a fun challenge, to see my true potential, not taking the opportunities I have for granted, and dedicating myself to what I want to accomplish 100%.

This 20% project consists of how to reach my goals in a healthy, less – stressful way.  In my blog I will write how I am staying positive, what

A person drawing and pointing at a Dream Big, Set Goals, Take Action chalk illustration

my goals are, and how I will reach my goals or aspirations in life. This blog will be a healthy reminder of what I want out of life, and how I want to reach for the stars, from building confidence in my abilities.

Small Business project : Text blocker

Personally, I enjoyed the small business project, and it wasn’t overly challenging, but it sparked ideas.  Sophia and I came up with a device thdownloadat could change a global issue, and lower the statistics of texting and driving.  We created the device to be locked into the car, and only taken out by whoever knows the password.  This process showed how much goes into a product or business.  Every little detail matters , how the device, and business is built requires a thorough process.  Every product or business needs a plan, steps, creating a foundation or a clean start for a business idea. Persuasion is important in creating a business, being different, and having a hook to grab people’s attention to spread awareness, create business popularity, or purchase the product.  Preparedness and organization ties into the whole business plan being organized. Overall,  Sophia and I worked well together, and made this project organized, and fun to create.  I learned how many aspects like advertisements, profit  or nonprofit, stores or online shops, and many more details of how much is involved to create a business.

Our business plan consists of what our business is exactly and the aspects around it.  The business project template shows what our product is, who the owners are, and how we run our business, or where the products are sold. If you want to know more details about the text blocker, follow the link to learn more about the insight of the text blocker.

Our advertisement was reality, especially in the day in the life of a teenager, but we incorporated comedy into our video. We captured a dramatic scene of a real life accident that can be caused by texting and driving.  Our ad caught other’s attention, involving a real life situation of what could happen to both the driver, and pedestrian when texting and driving.  To witness the affects of texting and driving, watch our Text Blocker advertisement.


My elevator pitch is meant to be not lengthy, but short and sweet.  The elevator pitch explains what the text blocker is, it’s purpose, and how we made it unique, and functional.  Details of the text-blocker and what it’s full important, impactful purpose is included.  To find out details about the text blocker, or if your interested in buying one, then click on this link. 


Emotional Wellness ( Wellness blog 2)

Emotional Wellness is very essential to living healthy and happy.  You want to be confident in what you are doing, and mentally or emotionally be in control to help succeed. You don’t want to be emotionally breaking whenever, which clouds your daily life and what you need to get done.  You want to set priorities, accept your mistakes, and who you are, have a positive attitude, and have appropriate emotions, while at the same time being in control.

When dealing with your emotions being out of control, you can react at anything at anytime, which socially, and health-wiseemotional-wellness-month-october-1024x512 is destructive.  Emotional wellness helps you deal with certain situations, helping you act ethically, and reacting to situations appropriately.  Accepting mistakes and learning from them, is a big aspect of emotional wellness that will bind into confidence, which can connect to how you automatically act in non- stressful or stressful situations.

Emotional wellness is mandatory to happily and peacefully deal with life.  Life is a beautiful series of uncontrollable events.  It is much more than controlling and just managing stress.  Your thoughts, feelings, and different behaviors all tie into emotional wellness.  This type of wellness influences how you react to situations, and your automatic impulses are caused by emotions.

Being emotionally well includes making choices based on your feelings thoughts, or behaviors, working or living independently secure, and taking responsibility for your actions.  Taking on challenges or risks is good exercise for your brain and help find your true self, or what you are made of, especially emotionally. Relationships that are built should be healthy, trusting, and respectful, contributing to emotional stability. Overall, you are pleased with life, and confident to take on any challenge thrown your way, “you are content with life”.

Spiritual Wellness ( Wellness Blog 1)

Spiritual Wellness is essential tdownloado live healthy and freely.  This type of wellness relates to internal happiness, confidence, and acceptance.  Accepting who you are, and how you will make mistakes, but learn from them and how you deal with situations all play into who you spiritually, and even how you treat others. Internal wellness connects to your physical and mental health or well- being.  If you do not feel  good about yourself, and are emotionally or mentally disconnected, spiritually, you are not at your full personal potential.  When you are secure inside, you can know, develop, and understand your purpose in life, without as many road blocks.

Having a sense of what is right or wrong contributes to reflection.  Listening to your conscious is important, so you know your boundaries, and avoid making unnecessary mistakes.  Reflecting alone is essential to move on from past ruining events, looking back on how to fix past mistakes, or what you could do now to be at a better potential or person.  You don’t want to re- make your mistakes, which will be harder to re- commit bad choices after reflecting.

Forgiveness and caring acts for others also weave into Spiritual wellness, which is shown through these aspects of life and learning curves.  Forgiving others, is an inner peace space we all need in our head.  Holding onto anger takes a toll on your body, and overtime, builds up anger, that can have a powerful potential, and can be released at anytime, affecting how you act, think, and talk to people.  Being unforgiving can change how you interact and talk to others, creating a closed- minded/ damaged mental shield.  When you take the time to self- reflect, know right from wrong, and help others, you are mentally peaceful or healthy.  You are your biggest enemy.  If you let events ruin you, spiritually you can be changed, and deactivated, which is physically, and mentally destructive.  The way you deal with past experiences and obstacles is how you are, how you treat others, and show what you are made of or your spiritual wellness.